Featured Artist: Audrey Pavitt
When I focus my macro lens on some tiny life form, perhaps the delicate inside of a flower or a furry butterfly wing, time stops as I marvel at the perfection of nature and try to capture it with my camera.
Many people dislike, or are even afraid of insects and spiders, as indeed I once was. However, that feeling changed to fascination when I studied them in college and learned about their unique and often astonishing behaviors. Imagine a tiny beetle perched on the back of a wasp, laying eggs on the wasp eggs as they are deposited into the cell of a wasp hive! The wasp larvae provide an excellent meal!
My fascination with these creatures persisted and when I discovered the wonder of macro photography, insects and spiders became my favorite subjects.
Most of these photographs were made in my own yard, or that of a neighbor, when I was fortunate enough to discover a tiny creature on a leaf or stem. As you look at them, notice the intricacy and iridescence on the wings, the pollen grains in leg pouches or glittering on the insects’ backs, the metallic colors, the multi-faceted eyes and unique mouth parts. I hope you will share my wonder at these tiny creatures!
Reception photos by Brady Conn